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Practical Maths

4th Oct 2016

Learning about greater than and less than.
Learning about greater than and less than.
Remember Charlie the crocodile is greedy and likes to eat the biggest number!
Remember Charlie the crocodile is greedy and likes to eat the biggest number!
We know that greater than is > and less than is <
We know that greater than is > and less than is <
Charlie helped us complete our written work
Charlie helped us complete our written work
We used Lego bricks to show which was greater than or less than.
We used Lego bricks to show which was greater than or less than.
We have been learning about tree diagrams. We made our own floor map!
We have been learning about tree diagrams. We made our own floor map!
We decided what we would sort for and wrote the labels.
We decided what we would sort for and wrote the labels.
We made our own tree diagrams
We made our own tree diagrams
We sorted ourselves on the tree diagram according to the criteria we set.
We sorted ourselves on the tree diagram according to the criteria we set.
We had to decide what we would sort for.
We had to decide what we would sort for.
We enjoy table top activities
We enjoy table top activities