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2019/2020 School Year

19th May 2020
A fun way to explain coronavirus to children using Playmobil
19th May 2020
Some advice and support for parents trying to support their children with maths...
17th May 2020
What a lovely story for you from Mrs Glass.
17th May 2020
Hello Discoverers, Did you have a good weekend? Did anyone have a quiz night?...
15th May 2020
Well done to everyone who took part in the Scavenger Hunt Challenge.  The prizewinners...
15th May 2020
You may have read the news report recently advising parents to closely monitor their...
14th May 2020
Hello Eggheads,   Friday again! Good luck with your Friday test. It’s...
12th May 2020
Hello mini Monets, Has anyone tried the circuits challenge?  I thought it...
12th May 2020
Another album of great home learning from James, George, Izzy, Marc, Elizabeth and...