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Monday 1st June

29th May 2020

Hello all,


What a lovely, sunny day we get to enjoy again today. I’m just about to go on a walk along the river with my family and when I say walk I mean run because I always end up chasing my two children on bikes 🥵

I’m sure you have already started to think about moving schools and it will bring different emotions to all of you. Some of you will be excited, some of you nervous and in fact your feelings on it could change from one day to the next. Just remember that all emotions you feel right now are ok! They are natural and have been felt by every single person who has been in your situation before you, even me!

This term we would have been talking a lot about the transition to secondary school and last week I e-mailed your parents with some work that you can do together. I am going to put all of this into the home learning section of the website for you to access and use as you wish.

As well as the work we would have done together we also invite Scripture Union into school every year to do a programme called ‘It’s Your Move’. Things are different this year but SUNI are still doing their programme for you through online assemblies which you can access through the link below:

There is work associated with the programme that you can also access and I will put the link in the home learning section along with the material mentioned above. The lessons will be released on the following dates:

Week 1 - Thursday 4th June, 10am - Change

Week 2 - Thursday 11th June, 10am - Choice

Week 3 - Thursday 18th June, 10am - Challenge  

I hope you find everything useful and remember as I said above all feelings are ok so talk to someone at home if you want help with them. 

Chat soon 

Mrs McF