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Thursday 26th March

26th Mar 2020

Good morning,


How are you all getting on with your home learning? Have you made any videos yet? I was getting into bed last night and checked my e-mail before switching the light off to find the most beautiful video highlighting all the fantastic times we have had together this year. I absolutely loved it and thank you so much for making me smile 😃

We have been having lots of fun at home. Yesterday we painted, built a den and made some yummy buns.

Now all the teachers will verify that I am not a baker and in fact when they read what I was doing yesterday their faces will probably screw up making them look a bit like this 🥴


I decided that since I am at home for the next while I would pick something that I’m not so good at and try to improve at it. Why don’t you try it too! 

Step 1: make a list of everything you are good at and the things you enjoy doing e.g.

  • I am good at maths and love solving problems 
  • I am good at ICT and enjoy helping my friends when they get stuck
  • I like structure and routine so I am good at organising and making plans
  • I am good at swimming and love going to the pool 

Step 2: make a list of the things you find difficult and would like to improve at e.g.

  • I am not very good at cooking or baking 
  • I’m not very artistic and would love to be able to draw
  • I would love to read more books
  • I find story writing difficult 

Step 3: pick one area to focus on and improve. 

Now this won’t happen over night. It might take you days, weeks or even months to improve but it will be worth sticking at it to see how much progress you can make. Be realistic with what you choose. I’m guessing that I wouldn’t be very good at flying an aeroplane but it’s not a skill I think I’m going to need in the near or distant future ✈️ Ask someone to help you. You can’t do everything by yourself and it will be fun to include someone else in your task but you have to be willing to accept their help. Sometimes this is harder than you think but don’t argue, compromise. 

I picked baking 🧁 from my list and choose my children and Brian to help me 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Not only am I going to improve but it’s a skill we can learn together and have fun with. I started off easy. I can’t expect to make the perfect Victoria sponge on my first attempt so I went with Rice Krispie buns 😁 I had all the ingredients in the house so it was ideal. 

I hope you enjoy this challenge and remember that you will need patience and determination to see it through. 

Can’t wait to hear what you choose. 


From the next Mary Berry 🎂